11 April 2021 - How Cancer Kills - updated
I have updated "How Cancer Kills" based on comments by Dr. Phillip A. Phillip, Wayne State University:
HTML: http://natpernick.com/CuringCancerPart9.html
BLOG: https://natpernickshealthblog.wordpress.com/2021/03/22/curing-cancer-blog-part-9-how-cancer-kills/
PDF: http://natpernick.com/CuringCancerPart9.pdf
My theory is that cancer deaths are preventable, at least for the short term, for many patients who die quickly of cancer. Their deaths are due to cancer's marked disruption of physiologic systems necessary for life. Sophisticated medical treatment can counter this disruption and the patients can live much longer. This is analogous to diabetic ketoacidosis, which often kills patients with new onset diabetes unless they receive sophisticated treatment to reverse the marked disruption of physiologic systems associated with this disease.