13 October 2019: Donald Trump Should Resign
The movement has started. Two newspapers have asked President Trump to resign:
1. Connecticut Post: see https://www.ctpost.com/opinion/article/Editorial-President-Trump-needs-to-step-down-14467704.php
2. St. Louis Post-Dispatch: see https://www.stltoday.com/opinion/editorial/editorial-trump-is-exhausting-the-nation-s-and-his-party/article_42f06c92-e445-5fcf-98be-dee8bf25d7f3.html
A CNN / Washington Post columnist has suggested that Donald Trump resign, see https://www.cnn.com/2019/10/07/opinions/donald-trump-should-resign-ghitis/index.html. A former Trump Organization vice president thinks thinks he would resign before the impeachment process is through, see https://www.cnn.com/videos/business/2019/10/06/barbara-res-former-trump-organization-executive-impeachment-sot-rs-vpx.cnn.
I have even written to him personally (the only response was to put me on his mailing list):
13 April 2018: https://natpernick.blogspot.com/2018/04/13-friday-2018-letter-sent-to-president.html
25 September 2017: https://natpernick.blogspot.com/2017/09/25-september-2017-letter-sent-today.html
If you agree, what are you going to do? All it takes for a sand pile to topple is to drop one additional grain of sand. Of course, we cannot know if our grain will be the one that causes movement, but we do know that doing nothing does not help, and if enough grains are added, eventually one will do the trick.
Evil (see http://natpernick.blogspot.com/2018/11/16-november-2018-what-constitutes-evil.html) must be fought. Complaining is not enough. Write a letter. Make a campaign contribution. Change your buying habits. Do something that can make a difference (see http://natpernick.blogspot.com/2019/10/11-october-2019-participate-in.html,