22 March 2016: Is Governor Snyder the de facto leader of ISIS in Michigan?
Updated 3 April 2016
Governor Snyder may not really want to destroy Michigan, but he continues to act like it. After all, a major goal of terrorist organizations is to do what Gov. Snyder has been successful at - poison water supplies, cause bioterrorism, and promote long term damage that is difficult to repair. Through gross incompetence at not knowing or caring what is going on in his administration, and a management style that prompts his senior aides to not tell him, he has caused a massive poisoning of the people of Flint and at least 10 deaths to date from Legionnaire's disease.
If you were planning to destroy the State from within, you would do exactly what Governor Snyder has done - weaken the fundamentals, such as roads and sewers, and the cities which support the infrastructure that keeps our society functioning (see my blog, The Plan to Destroy America). You would hide what you are doing, and publicly act as if you really care, so the public remains complacent. Regardless of what his motivations were, that is what Governor Snyder has done. The Michigan Municipal League recently reported that Michigan is a leader in disinvesting in cities. In March 2016, Daniel Howes of the Detroit News reported that Michigan is once again ranked #50 in lack of transparency. When the public does not know, or care what it going on in government, it is not surprising that our public officials use government to benefit their friends and family, instead of to benefit the general welfare.
The great danger, as I see it, is not these problems that we see today. It is our inability to anticipate or plan for future crises, which involve not one major problem, but an entire panoply of major problems (see What the Future May Hold). Think the Northeast power blackout, coupled with severe effects from climate change, social unrest and terrorist activities. This is not kvetching, but a real possibility that we are wholly unprepared for, and that represents a major challenge to the continuation of our democratic society.
Next - what we can do