30 July 2020: Updates to Trump resign campaign
I am urging Donald Trump to resign now. As a pathologist, I want to stop the daily deaths of 500+ Americans attributable to Trump's incompetence, indifference and impotence in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. Ralph Nader echoes these thoughts in his column listed below, Waiting for the results of the next election gives the president too many months in power to do mischief. He correctly indicates: "The call for Trump’s resignation should never be withheld because of the odds of success. The demand itself is the necessity of our times."
President Pence would likely listen to the experts and implement policies that would markedly reduce this death rate. In addition, there would be no concern about presidential succession.
My updated list of Trump resign articles is at https://natpernick.blogspot.com/2020/07/who-is-calling-on-donald-trump-to-resign.html .
New articles are:
Ralph Nader, Five reasons to call for Donald Trump’s resignation, 22 July 2020, https://www.pressherald.com/2020/07/22/ralph-nader-five-reasons-to-call-for-donald-trumps-resignation/
Tweet from actor Alec Baldwin that calls on Trump to resign, 19 July 2020, https://twitter.com/ABFalecbaldwin/status/1284822748418670596
Presidential biographer Vaughn Davis Bornet has written his 20th book, "That Trump!" and penned a resignation letter, 21 July 2020, https://ashlandtidings.com/news/top-stories/at-age-102-bornet-publishes-20th-book-on-trump
I am not a fan of endless "mind games" on what will happen in the future. Instead, we need to work, as hard as we can, to make a future we can be proud of. If enough people act, this is more likely to happen. Things don't tend to improve when we are passive.
My strategies include: writing to Trump to resign on a regular basis, writing to his family members, urging prominent media to call on him to resign, urging politicians and political organizations to call on him to resign, raising money to help with his "transition" to the private sector if he resigns, sponsoring a voter turnout drive for my Next Door community and supporting various political campaigns including Joe Biden's. All of us who are concerned should be active - what are you doing?