4 April 2020 - Letter to President Trump - Resign
Dear President Trump,
It is in your best interest to resign now and let Vice President Pence assume the office of the presidency. Here is why:
1. If you run for election and lose, you will be indicted on many counts and may go to jail. The crimes include:
(a) campaign finance reform violations, which sent your attorney to jail
(b) withholding funds from Ukraine (https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/economy/white-house-hold-on-ukraine-aid-violated-federal-law-congressional-watchdog-says/2020/01/16/060ea7aa-37a3-11ea-9c01-d674772db96b_story.html)
(c) perjury (https://www.newsweek.com/george-conway-says-trump-committed-perjury-when-he-lied-mueller-under-oath-about-wikileaks-1471352)
(d) failure to produce documents (https://www.justsecurity.org/67738/federal-criminal-offenses-and-the-impeachment-of-donald-j-trump/)
(d) bribery (https://www.cbsnews.com/video/pelosi-says-trump-admitted-to-bribery/)
(e) obstruction of justice as described in the Mueller report
(f) witness tampering (https://www.forbes.com/sites/insider/2019/11/26/intimidation-or-free-speech-are-trumps-tweets-witness-tampering/#5cfcd85a5168).
There are likely other crimes, and let's face it, you have not made a lot of friends while President. Your lawyers will continuously be fending off criminal charges against you.
If you resign now, President Pence can pardon you for all of this, and there will be no risk. Theoretically, if you lose the election, you could resign before the new president takes office, and President Pence could pardon you then. Would he do that? Would it be legal? It is uncertain. Why take the chance?
2. Your businesses are suffering and need your attention. If you don't resign now, you will likely file for personal bankruptcy soon.
3. Your health appears to be failing. Although I am not privy to any nonpublic information, as a pathologist, it appears likely that you have:
(a) apparent atrial fibrillation which sent you briefly to the hospital, as well as weight and diet-related cardiac issues
(b) declining memory - you cannot remember what you said or did just a few days before.
(c) probably prostate cancer due to your age
(d) probably nonalcoholic fatty liver disease due to your weight, which is a risk factor for gastrointestinal cancer
In addition, your doctors are probably afraid to tell you anything you don't want to hear, so they may be aware of other problems.
4. Why stay in office? It can't be fun. You already won the greatest election victory every. Yet every day people call you names. Today you were called the worst president ever in the Washington Post (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/04/05/worst-president-ever/). Jared Kushner is regularly called incompetent (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2020/04/03/pandemic-incompetence/).
Why are you doing this? When you first ran, you indicated Vice President Pence would be in charge of domestic and foreign policy (https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2016/07/donald-trump-mike-pence-running-mate-domestic-foreign-policy/). If you resign today, you would fulfill another campaign promise by having him do that.
Think it over.
Nat Pernick, M.D.