5 January 2019: Replace Trump
Donald Trump needs to be removed from office, and it is our job (yes, this means you) to be part of the process.
I acknowledge that 35-40% of Americans support Trump, many otherwise rational and intelligent. However, given Trump’s observable offensive behavior on a daily basis and his lifetime history of fraud and dishonesty, it is my belief that these individuals have been seduced by evil into cult-like thinking that defies any common sense and is contrary to their usual sensibility. A future essay will explore what, if anything, can be done to “deprogram” these individuals.
Why should Donald Trump be removed from office? The main reasons, as articulated by others are:
(1) He is unfit for office:
* Anonymous (New York Times): https://www.nytimes.com/2018/09/05/opinion/trump-white-house-anonymous-resistance.html
* Aaron Blake (Washington Post): https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2018/12/30/john-kelly-paints-yet-another-dim-portrait-trump/?utm_term=.e981a82a801c
* Max Boot (Washington Post): https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/global-opinions/wp/2018/09/04/president-trump-is-unfit-for-office-bob-woodwards-fear-confirms-it/?utm_term=.7cc2e9889507
* E.J. Dionne Jr. (Washington Post): https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/admit-it-trump-is-unfit-to-serve/2017/02/15/467d0bbe-f3be-11e6-8d72-263470bf0401_story.html?utm_term=.ecea4c832bc6
* Thomas L. Friedman (New York Times): https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/24/opinion/impeach-fire-president-trump.html?action=click&module=Opinion&pgtype=Homepage
* John McWhorter (CNN): https://www.cnn.com/2017/05/02/opinions/trump-man-who-is-tragically-unfit-to-be-president-mcwhorter/index.html
* Felicia Sonmez (Washington Post): https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/former-us-commander-calls-trump-dishonest-and-immoral/2018/12/30/97fb6e5c-0c41-11e9-8938-5898adc28fa2_story.html?utm_term=.2eb0b78f88f5
(2) He is a national security threat:
* Retired U.S. Army Gen. Barry McCaffrey (You Tube / MSNBC): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjpsZ1LuGn0
* Susan E. Rice (New York Times): https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/23/opinion/trump-mattis-syria-afghanistan.html
* Jennifer Rubin (Washington Post): https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2018/12/12/trumps-departure-reality-is-national-security-threat/?utm_term=.f256a5ecb7e2
(3) He is mentally unstable:
* Stephen Collinson (CNN): https://www.cnn.com/2018/12/24/politics/trump-christmas-chaos/index.html
* Philip Rucker (Washington Post): https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/i-am-all-alone-an-isolated-trump-unleashes-a-storm-of-yuletide-gloom/2018/12/24/382fdd88-07a4-11e9-a3f0-71c95106d96a_story.html?utm_term=.8fd5be48c973
* Rosemary K.M. Sword and Philip Zimbardo Ph.D. (Psychology Today): https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-time-cure/201709/the-dangerous-case-donald-trump
The United States is still a democracy, so process is important. Our laws and Constitution must be followed. This means the only way to remove Donald Trump from office is to (a) urge him to resign, (b) have him impeached and convicted, (c) invoke Section 4 of the 25th Amendment, https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/amendmentxxv.
What can or should we do as individuals? We are not members of Congress or in Trump’s inner circle. But we seem to have forgotten what we learned in high school, that our sovereignty as a nation rests with the people. That means you and me. This is not just a cliche. We are not being asked to fight in a war or to endure or any real hardship. But we must devote a certain amount of time and energy to a task nevertheless important to the country, whether or not we have other things we would rather do. We are in charge and if the country is not moving in the proper direction, it is our fault and we have to step up. So what can we do?
The first step is to decide that this is important, that it is our responsibility, and that we will make this a focus of our life. Pick an issue or pick an activity, and follow through. If that does not seem to work, try something else. The problems leading to a President Trump have been in effect for decades. It will take a long time to fix them, but we must start today.
Here are some possible choices. You can create your own list, but do something, or several things.
Direct action:* Write Trump and ask him to resign* Write to US Representatives and US Senators and tell them to do their Constitutional duty to oversee the President, particular his nondemocratic, illegal and erratic behavior* Protest Trump appearances* Boycott Trump businesses and properties. Typically this might be improper, but Trump, unlike any other President, appears to use his political office to primarily advance his business interests.* Boycott Trump’s major advisors and supporters, include Fox News and Murdoch related businesses
Indirect action - attack the underlying causes:* Shun the GOP. This is now a cult in support of Trump which focuses on worshipping the rich and powerful. It is no longer a legitimate political party. Its members have shirked their responsibilities of oversight over any GOP officeholder. They promote lies, bigotry and taking away our rights. In many ways, they are simply puppets of the rich and famous instead of looking out for the best interest of Americans. * Be part of a new conservative party. This will be difficult to start, but needs to be done. The GOP cannot be made respectable.* Support small businesses, particularly those that treat their employees well. If choosing between small and large businesses, other things being equal, small businesses cannot abuse power they do not have, as large businesses frequently have done.* Support large businesses that operate in a way you agree with, such as by paying employees a living wage (Trader Joe’s, Costco) and having a reasonable CEO / employee pay ratio (see https://www.payscale.com/data-packages/ceo-pay).* Stay away from evil. I define evil as those who lie repeatedly, promote hatred or bigotry, take away peoples’ rights and use government or charity to benefit themselves instead of the needy or the bulk of the population. Unless you are well trained, you are only fooling yourself by thinking you can “compartmentalize” evil and not let it affect you. The more you associate with it, the more acceptable it becomes to you.* Become active politically by working on campaigns, regularly discussing your views with public officials or governmental bodies or working on issues.
What are you doing? Let me know.