5 June 2020: COVID-19 testing in Oakland County
How do you get tested for COVID-19 in Oakland County? This was my experience last week. I am a pathologist who publishes a free online textbook that includes information on lung pathology due to COVID-19 infection, see http://www.pathologyoutlines.com/topic/lungnontumorcovid.html and on testing for COVID-19, see http://www.pathologyoutlines.com/topi/microbiologyvirusesdiagtestSARSCOV2.html.
I had no symptoms or suspected exposure but wanted to see what the process was like so I could tell others.
I made an appointment by calling 1-800-848-5533 see also https://www.oakgov.com/covid/best-practices/sick-caring/Pages/testing.aspx. It was scheduled for the next week, which was this past Monday. I drove up but was told I could also walk or bike. I went to the Oakland County Health Department on Greenfield Road at 11 1/2 Mile in Southfield. There were 3 stations and it was extremely well organized. They asked if I was sick or well, asked some identification questions, explained the process and then did the test. The test was rubbing a Qtip swab in each nostril for 15 seconds, pressing hard against the side of the nostril. It was uncomfortable - some might call it mildly painful. When done, they gave me a brochure, see http://natpernick.com/COVID19OaklandCounty.pdf, and said results would be called or emailed to me within 3 days (when I registered, they asked how I wanted to be contacted). I was given the result just two days later (negative).
Overall, it was pretty simple and easy.