6 September 2022: Relect Dana Nessel for Attorney General
I am proud to support Dana Nessel for reelection as Michigan's Attorney General (photo is from a recent fundraiser) and I urge you to support her too.
She is working hard to defend the reproductive rights and health care of women, see see https://fb.watch/fnAJUyBCuW/ , as well as voter rights, civil rights, LGBTQ rights and consumers' rights.
Are you registered to vote? Do you have a plan on how you will vote? If not, your chance to vote may slip by. I am becoming more politically active this year than in the past and suggest that others do this also. There are a lot of things we can do - work on a campaign, for a political group, for a ballot proposal or at the polls.
This election has many candidates who don't believe the person with the most votes should necessarily win. If they prevail, our democracy will not.