My business, PathologyOutlines.com, Inc., supports many charities and scholarships and I ask that you consider supporting them too. I have owned many businesses since 1975, and although a fervent believer in capitalism, also believe successful businesses should make charitable giving a major part of their business. It helps charities and society, promotes the business as caring strongly about creating a better world and keeps corporate egos in check by focusing on those that need our help.
Please consider supporting these charities:
Detroit College Promise Scholarship - ongoing for Detroit Public School students: PathologyOutlines.com helped initiate the Detroit College Promise Scholarship in 2008 and continues to provide support, although it is now administered by the Detroit Public School Foundation. To make a tax deductible contribution to this fund, click here.
PathologyOutlines.com Endowed Scholarship Fund at the University of Michigan Medical School - this scholarship is offered to a UM Medical Student entering a pathology residency or fellowship program or who performs exceptionally in pathology classes or clerkships. To make a tax deductible contribution to this fund, click here.
PathologyOutlines.com Department of Mathematics Endowed Scholarship in the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences at Wayne State University - this scholarship is offered to a Wayne State student (undergraduate or graduate) who performs exceptionally in mathematics. To make a tax deductible contribution to this fund, click here.
Thank you for your support of these charities.
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American Code Against Cancer (how you can prevent cancer)
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