Congratulations to the Berkley High School (BHS) class of 2023!
Andrew Meloche, BHS principal, has given us permission to share this link about BHS local scholarship recipients and has expressed his thanks to all donors. I am sure he would welcome your inquiries to him at andrew.meloche@berkleyschools.org or 248-837-8101 about setting up your own scholarship.
My family is pleased to have contributed to scholarships for Math, Orchestra, Science and Writing for 2023 and congratulates the winners (text and photos are from BHS and permission to disseminate was granted):

Pernick Family Scholarships
We are proud to announce that Garrett Wyatt (Math), Gerik Wolak (Orchestra), Taylor Ellis (Science) and Ashley Morgan (Writing) are the recipients of the Pernick Family Scholarships. These scholarships were established by Nat Pernick, parent of BHS graduates Sam, Rachel and Leah Pernick. In gratitude for the great instruction they received in these subjects at BHS, they have established these annual scholarships for excellence by BHS students in the subjects of Math, Orchestra, Science and Writing. Congratulations to this year's recipients!
Mrs. Francis states that "Garrett is a hard-working, intelligent, and responsible student. I have seen him persevere through trying circumstances this year and reach success! Not only does he excel academically, he is kind-hearted, helpful, and thoughtful of others. I am proud of you, Garrett!"
Mr. Moy states that "Gerik is simply a joy to be around. He lifts up the people he is around by his positive and fun presence. Gerik is intelligent, caring, and thoughtful, and he exhibits a willingness to give of himself and put others before himself, which makes him a great example of servant leadership. He has carried a demanding academic course load while participating in orchestra, DECA, playing in the pit orchestra for the Be Drama musicals, participating in Boy Scouts and participating in the LaSalette youth group."
Mr. Moy states that "Taylor is a wonderful example of someone who you can count on. There were countless times this year when Taylor volunteered her time and energy to step up and help out, or where she just stepped in because something needed to be done. She has done this all while maintaining a challenging academic workload and also competing in gymnastics at a very high level. Taylor’s willingness to help others and do what needs to be done has always been a quality I admire about her, and it will make her a welcome and valuable part of any community she is a part of."
Ms. Hart states that "Ashley is incredibly thoughtful, inquisitive, and hardworking. She always has an insightful question or comment to contribute, and her willingness to participate in class undoubtedly benefits all of her peers. One of the things that I admire most about Ashley is her genuine desire to truly understand what she is learning. I am confident that her work ethic, curiosity, and determination will take her far in life."
Congratulations Garrett, Gerik, Taylor and Ashley!
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