Dearborn, Michigan, population 105,811, is the 7th largest city in Michigan after Detroit, Grand Rapids, Warren, Sterling Heights, Ann Arbor and Lansing. Unfortunately, it may become a ghost town if Donald J. Trump is elected President on 5 November 2024.
Dearborn is a city of immigrants. It has the largest Muslim population in the United States per capita, mostly from Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Iraq and Yemen.
Immigration is good for Michigan and the United States:
More immigrants creates more economic growth. And because it creates more economic growth locally, it raises the wages of the people who are already there. Boston University
The U.S. economic recovery from the pandemic has been stronger and more durable than many experts had expected and a rebound in immigration is a big reason. New York Times
State officials say foreign-born residents wield significant economic power in Michigan: Refugees and immigrants hold a 90% job retention rate in the state, and immigrants hold an estimated $18 billion in spending power. Encouraging immigration to Michigan was cited as a potential fix for the state’s population woes, with a Whitmer-backed council calling for incentives to attract more new arrivals — including developing a service to help employers and immigrants navigate the bureaucracy of immigration to come to Michigan. Brinks, the Senate majority leader, called immigrants of all statuses “a net-positive to our economy, public safety, culture and community.” Bridge Michigan
The Biden-Harris team has actively supported immigration but Donald Trump has made opposition to immigration his top campaign issue, raising this issue constantly:
Trump has promised his supporters that in a second term he would launch “the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.” To deport as many as ten million of what he called “foreign national invaders,” Trump advisor Stephen Miller explained on a November podcast, the administration would federalize National Guard troops from Republican-dominated states and send them around the country to round people up, moving them to “large-scale staging grounds near the border, most likely in Texas,” that would serve as internment camps. Source
In a public reference to his plans, Mr. Trump told a crowd in Iowa in September: “Following the Eisenhower model, we will carry out the largest domestic deportation operation in American history.” The reference was to a 1954 campaign to round up and expel Mexican immigrants that was named for an ethnic slur — “Operation Wetback.”
The constellation of Mr. Trump’s 2025 plans amounts to an assault on immigration on a scale unseen in modern American history. Millions of undocumented immigrants would be barred from the country or uprooted from it years or even decades after settling here. New York Times
If Trump is elected on 5 November 2024, it means that 70 million+ Americans who voted for him either support his anti-immigration policies or are indifferent towards them. Since Trump has repeatedly whipped up some of his supporters into a violent fervor, we should expect that after the election, the Proud Boys and Trump’s other devout followers will start threatening and attacking immigrants or those who look like immigrants, starting with residents of Dearborn.
Who will stop the attackers?
Even today, without actual political power, Trump is above the law. With our own eyes and ears, we have witnessed Trump start an insurrection, threaten Georgia’s election officials and steal national security records with minimal repercussions, contrary to what would happen to anyone else.
The U.S. Supreme Court has declared Trump a king, with presumed immunity for all actions he considers “official”.
Trump himself has pardoned his convicted supporters in the past and pledged to do so in the future.
Trump has repeatedly threatened to imprison or even execute his political opponents or those disloyal to him.
It seems clear to many of us that many Trump supporters are more loyal to him than to the Constitution or the rule of law.
Many Michigan police officers are Trump supporters - will they stop his followers from carrying out Trump’s desire to attack immigrants? Will they challenge Trump’s orders if he threatens them with death or imprisonment for disobeying him? I think not, at least for many of them.
As a result, I predict that immigrants will start fleeing the United States as soon as Trump is elected, creating a crisis for Dearborn and other immigrant cities. The massive loss of talent will also cause a national economic crisis comparable to what we experienced with the COVID-19 pandemic.
Many Americans seem unconcerned about Trump’s continuous attacks against immigrants. Some immigrants are even supporting him. What about you?
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I head a Arab born, lives in Dearbon, real estate agent say because he owns a business and baby taxes he would not be deported