This post is from Bowers News Media:
None of us know what the future holds right now, but one thing is certain: reading or watching the zillionth news story on President Biden's age will not accomplish a whole heck of a lot.
What will make a difference is doing something.
When the dust from this feeding frenzy settles, there is still going to be an election, and we are still going to have to turn out Democratic voters in order to defeat Donald Trump. That is why Bowers News Media has coordinated with four different Get Out the Vote partners to give you a wide variety of ways that you can safeguard our democracy by writing letters and postcards, registering voters, or even by becoming a poll worker yourself.
Sign up to write letters to voters in key U.S. House races with Vote Forward. With Vote Forward, you can write letters to voters who usually vote Democratic, but who don't always turn out to vote, in 19 key U.S. House races around the country, urging them to cast a ballot this year. (Vote Forward also has a small number of letters remaining in a few key U.S. Senate races.) You can write as few or as many letters as you wish, on our own schedule, from the comfort of your own home. This has been a very popular Get Out the Vote service for grassroots progressives since 2018. Click here to sign up with Vote Forward, and write letters to the voters who will decide which party controls the U.S. House next year.
Sign up to write lettersSign up to become a poll worker with Power the Polls. Our democracy depends on ordinary people who volunteer as poll workers to make sure every election runs smoothly and everyone's vote is counted. Through Power the Polls, you can sign up to become a poll worker in your community. When you sign up, they will give everything you need to apply to be a poll worker so you can help make sure we have safe, fair, efficient elections for all voters. Please, click here to sign up to be a poll worker with Power the Polls.
Become a poll workerSign up to write postcards to voters in swing states with Postcards to Swing States. With Postcards to Swing States, you can write postcards to infrequent, but Democratic, voters in seven swing states using poll tested messaging, urging them to cast their ballots this year. You do have to order at least 200 postcards at a time, but you have over three months to complete the postcards before they are all dropped in the mail at the same time in October. You can spend 5-10 minutes a day writing 2-3 postcards to swing voters every day, allowing you to do more and worry less about the outcome of the election. Click here to sign up to write postcards to voters in swing states
Write postcards to voters in swing statesSign up to write postcards to register voters in Michigan. Sign up with Blue Wave Postcards to register voters in the key swing state of Michigan, which could decide control of the White House, U.S. Senate and U.S. House. It costs $12 for 100 voter registration postcard kits, plus postage. You can get a discount if you purchase larger amounts, which you could perhaps fill out during a postcard writing party with friends and family. (Now that would be a lot more fun than watching the news right now!) Click here to sign up with Blue Wave Postcards to register voters in Michigan
Register voters in MichiganWhen you are doing something, you will feel a lot better than when you are just consuming the news.
See also Volunteer Opportunities
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This really is something positive. I’m glad I found you. Thank you for all the links to actions.
I want to say to my hand flapping progressive allies: stop whining and get to work. You’re all being played. Y’all need to STFU. This is a war. United we stand , or everything we hope for and achieved so far goes to shit. Climate, peace and justice.
Stand tall, stand together and be loud.✌🏻👊🏼💪