From The Guardian:
The French parliament has enshrined abortion as a constitutional right at a historic joint session at the Palace of Versailles.
The prime minister, Gabriel Attal, told those gathered in the opulent Congress Hall in the palace’s Midi wing: “We are haunted by the suffering and memory of so many women who were not free. We owe a moral debt [to all the women who suffered] in their flesh.
“Today, the present must respond to history. To enshrine this right in our constitution is to close the door on the tragedy of the past and its trail of suffering and pain. It will further prevent reactionaries from attacking women.
“Let’s not forget that the train of oppression can happen again. Let’s act to ensure that it doesn’t, that it never comes this day.”
In the United States, Donald J. Trump, the Republican Party and their judicial appointees not only believe (to varying degrees) that women and girls are primarily incubators with fewer rights than the fertilized eggs they may carry, but they are successfully forcing these views on many of the rest of us as shown in the map below.
We have a choice. Most people will do nothing and hope for the best. My strategy is to become more politically active and support Democratic Party candidates who will promote the reproductive rights of women and girls.
In 2016, not enough people voted for Democrats, which led to the loss of some of these rights. In 2024, if enough of us don’t vote for Democrats or get more politically involved, we can anticipate the loss of the right to hormonal birth control and IUDs, as well as many others. It’s time to think about what you are going to do.
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