This essay discusses a future Gaza without terrorism, which would provide better lives and a promising future for Gazans and security for Israel.
Palestinian political aspirations can only be discussed with stable governments committed to peace, not with terrorist organizations.
The new Gazan government, whatever its structure, must end all terrorist activities. This is extremely difficult because Gaza is essentially a huge terrorist military camp run by Hamas, using the people of Gaza as their puppets to carry out their activities or act as human shields. This transformation likely requires, at a minimum:
Removing most of Hamas leadership, whose goal has been to create a permanent state of war and whose charter calls for the destruction of Israel.
Removing most of the estimated 30,000-40,000 Hamas militants and other terrorists, or transforming them into non-terrorists.
Removing the weapons and weapons factories throughout Gaza.
Ending the anti-Israel and antisemitic culture in Gazan schools, mosques and other institutions.
Transitioning the UNRWA refugee camps in Gaza towards permanent housing. These camps have kept Gazans living a primitive life with no stable future for 75 years. The future of these camps in Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, the West Bank and East Jerusalem is another problem but it should be dealt with separately.
There may be no existing governmental structure that makes sense for Gaza in the near future. It must be strong enough to prevent terrorist activity and sophisticated enough to deal with the enormous administrative tasks of creating a reasonable life for 2 million Gazans who previously lived largely in refugee camps and now live in a war-torn region.
At least initially, the leadership most likely will include Israel and the United States, and perhaps others, to start the process, prevent the return of terrorists and review aid funds being sent.
It should recruit Palestinians outside the current leadership who have integrity and the courage to stand up to existing terrorist norms in Gaza and the corruption currently in the Palestinian Authority.
There should be representation from Arab / Muslim nations who are committed to peace with Israel and rejection of terrorism. Admittedly, this will be difficult to attain but we must appeal to their economic and political interests in creating and maintaining a peaceful and stable region.
It cannot include Prime Minister Netanyahu and his major backers, due to their history of corruption and authoritarian rule.
It should not include UNRWA in any leadership role since they have been a major part of the existing problem.
To create a future Gaza that makes sense for the Palestinians and Israel, Hamas must be essentially destroyed and Netanyahu must be removed from office. In addition, this vision, or something similar, must be adopted by the US, Israel and the Arab / Muslim countries with an interest in peace and influence in the region. None of this will be easy or quick.
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