We have revised our strategic plan to substantially reduce cancer deaths and summarized it below:
This strategic plan, created in February 2021, aims to substantially reduce cancer deaths in the United States from 600,000 projected for 2023 to 100,000 per year. After 50 years of fighting the War on Cancer, we need to "dare greatly", to determine our desired cancer related goals and how we might attain them, even if many steps are unknown. Thus, our strategic plan differs from "challenge goals" that are based on "applying known interventions broadly and equitably".
This strategic plan is essentially a management plan to use all of the treatment and public health approaches possible that may impact cancer deaths. It is not sensible to focus on a "silver bullet" or other miracle treatment. Success will likely arise from combinations of an expanding number of modest improvements.
Our specific strategies are:
1. Treatment should target as many individual biologic networks as possible that contribute to the cancer itself, directly or indirectly. In addition, our public policies must optimize all aspects of our healthcare system that affect cancer deaths.
2. Successful treatment will likely require combinations of combinations of therapy, each attacking a different aspect of the malignant process.
3. We should initially focus on aggressive cancers that cause the most cancer deaths.
4. We should reduce cancer deaths that occur shortly after diagnosis.
5. We should incorporate therapeutic strategies that delay cancer deaths.
6. We should focus on reducing age related cancer deaths.
7. We should attempt to enroll every patient in a clinical trial so physicians can learn and improve.
8. We should make our prevention programs more effective.
9. We should develop better screening programs for cancers with high mortality.
The full strategic plan with references is at https://www.pathologyoutlines.com/ccnstrategicplan.html .
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