Note: this is NOT the actress Jennifer Rubin
Source: Washington Post live chat, 20Sep23
Please let us know the best way to influence the media.
You can write short, polite, specific and constructive letters to the editor and to individual writers. You can support good journalism by subscribing to solid local news outlets. You can use your own presence on social media to raise up examples of truth-seeking journalism. And you can tune out and turn off cable and TV news that practices bothsiderism and allows MAGA guests to lie with impunity.
Would a second Trump term really be the end of our democracy?
Need we see more than Jan. 6? Trump has already promised to exact retribution against his foes; shred the civil service to install cronies; "end" the war in Ukraine; and pardon a "large share " of Jan. 6 insurrectionists. I can imagine him disregarding both Congress and the courts, cracking down on freedom of speech and assembly and instituting deadly force at the borders. Too many Americans suffer from a lack of imagination. He failed to retain power by violence last time; you can bet, if given a chance, he wouldn't lose the second time around.
For months we hear about "punishments" for women seeking abortions. Why is this so one-sided?
Because this is about reducing women to second-class citizens, robbing them of autonomy and relegating them to the role of baby machines. They've given up the ruse that this is about being "pro-life"; it's about dominating women.
Why do authoritarians keep being referred to as "conservative"?
I could not agree more. That is why I try to refer to them as "MAGA" or "right-wing" Republicans. In fact, they bear the attributes of many neo-fascist movements (e.g., reliance on widespread lies and conspiracies, demonization of minorities, use of violence as an acceptable political tool, repression of women, defense of lawlessness).
Source: Washington Post live chat, 20Sep23
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