Most of us recognize the importance of college scholarships. Based on my work establishing the Detroit College Promise scholarship (different from the Detroit Promise), I know that for many students, the receipt of a scholarship has a powerful personal impact on the importance of education and helps them get a college education that they did not think was possible. For others, it makes college a better experience because they don’t have to worry so much about financing.
I received a 4 year scholarship to Wayne State University (WSU) from 1975-1979, and although the tuition then was only $1,000 per year, the scholarship was very helpful to me. At the time, WSU requested that I “give back” when I was able to, and admittedly, I never thought that would be possible. Several years ago, my uncle asked me to administer his scholarship at WSU. Later, I set up a WSU scholarship to honor my parents and now my business has also set up a WSU scholarship. These scholarships are often not visible on the college websites but the departments know about them and students should ask.
I have included two letters recently received from recipients of these scholarships. I hope they inspire you to contribute to higher education, if possible.
If you like these essays, please share them with others.
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