Every nation gets the government it deserves. de Maistre, 1811
I suggest we stop complaining and get to work. There is a lot to do. Here are some suggestions:
Get more people to register. In many states, 16 and 17 year olds can preregister, click here.
Check that irregular voters haven't been purged from the rolls and are registered at the correct address, see www.vote411.org.
Get more disengaged voters to the polls.
Make sure everyone you know is committed to voting for pro-democracy candidates.
Educate yourself about new voter laws by clicking here. In Michigan, we now have early voting and easier absentee ballot voting.
Get politically involved:
Pick a candidate, a political organization or an issue, and volunteer.
Links: League of Women Voters, Mobilize
What we do is less important than deciding to do more, to make ourselves better individuals and to make the world a better place. When each one of us does this, it changes the dynamics of our lives and those we come in contact with and helps repair the world.
Activities: Write a check, attend a meeting, volunteer to help, run for office yourself
Write to officials at all levels - city, state and federal
Commit to democracy:
Email me with your comments to Nat@PathologyOutlines.com .
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