Yes, I read your liberal viewpoints, thoughtfully spelled out. I think more "conservatives" would actually agree if they took time to read, talk and consider. We are living in terrifying times. More and more people like yourself are finding the courage an strength to speak out and protest. Thank you, Maureen

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This needs to be shouted from the rooftops by all who feel this way. Democratic commercials should be made with beautiful moving videos for each topic covered. And they should be rotated repeatedly in red states as the horrific reality of this current administration sets in.

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Your points sound like any other liberal. Everyone in your world is a victim. No one can take care of themselves without government money, etc. But I don't have time to go through them all. So, lets just look at one of the worst falsehoods for Dems.

The biggest lie that the Dems have had for decades is "people can't get health insurance." They just make stuff up to create class warfare. So, here are the facts.


338 million people in the US

165 million of them get health ins. from their employer.

24 million get it through the government

9 million get it from the VA

72 million get it from Medicaid

66 million are on Medicare

10 states don't have "expanded Medicaid" yet. Most of them are planning on it. It was part of the ACA but the states have control so you have to talk to them.

19 million uninsured- This is almost entirely made up of people who work and just don't want it. They are healthy, young or spend all of their money on drinking, drugging, gambling, etc. No one who wnats health insurance is denied. Huge Democrat lie that they spring every election.

16 million veterans that are eligible are not signed up. Usually due to mental illness and addiction

72 million get it through Medicaid. Many are eligible for Medicaid and do not know what to do or are afraid of being arrested.

If you are poor we have that covered with excellent care through medicaid. If you meet generous requirements you sign up and get covered. It's that simple.

Total of 319 million covered. Most of the working uninsured simply don't want to spend money on it. These are mostly young people who think they can risk it. You probably know some.

The lie of the Democrats for decades has been "our health care sucks." but no one wants to get Canadian care. The US is the third most populated nation in the world. We have racial and cultural diversity like no other country. Language barriers, lack of knowledge, and fear of getting arrested are all factors.

Maybe you should actually study your list of grienvances and find out if they are true. If they are not, you will come up with some new ones. We now have one of the most intelligent people in the world who is also the richest man in the world, volunteering to find corruption which we all know is there. How? Because the federal government publishes that each year. In 2023 they admitted to $236 billion in fraud mostly from SS and medicare. That will turn out to be much more. His findings should be presented to congress and ask them why they have done nothing.

For liberals to scream and cry and protest against finding corruption says it all. They don't want the

gravy train to stop.

Anyone who wants health insurance and stays informed in the US can get it.

Then of course we have the ultimate fallback. If anyone without insurance comes into an ER and wants treatment, they will get treated for free, weather it's Strep Throat or Advance cancer.

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Your simplistic thinking to write that 19 million uninsured are "Entirely made up of those who don't want it or are drinking, drugging, gambling, etc ". Where did you get these "Facts " from. I've worked as a nurse for 40 years, my husband is a medical physician. Most " insurance" is in the game of denying coverage. Preexisting condition? Denied? Care is often not enough or not provided long enough. Insurance wants Drs and nurses to spend less and less time on real care, causing 15 minute factory like sessions. We spend more time on doing paperwork than providing care because of insurance companies. Have chronic pain? Most republicans think you are just lazy scammers, though they know nothing about the neurology or pathophysiology of pain.

You write that 16 million vets are eligible but don't sign up due to mental illness and ( self medicating with drugs because they are not given mental health treatment after turning into killing machines ). So if the mentally ill need help, just blame them and leave them to rot?

There were successful community mental health clinics that provided education and primary prevention in every community in the US. Reagan came in and gutted the entire program . Reagans legacy is seen today in the vast amounts of mentally ill, self medicating pain of addiction and homelessness.

For a party that's supposed to be " pro life", there is no concern for the children being shot in schools, or what happens after the children that are not wanted are born and are at higher risk for neglect, poverty, violence and the resultant mental health issues and addiction.

You don't know what you are talking about as you spew your ignorant, jusdemental negativity.

I've been a liberal all my life, my parents voted for JFK, they , nor I nor my children have ever been " victims". I don't know anyone in my circle who doesn't take care of themselves. We all pay taxes and never get any government handouts. Unlike Trump, whose usingAir Force One to go to the NFL Super Bowl cost the taxpayers $3000 per minute.

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I worked as an RN in Saint Petersburg area from 1976 to 2017. (Retired from Bay Pines VA.) I just wanted to say you nailed it. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

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We are nurses from the same era, Linda. We have seen the history first hand. Craig Verdi calls himself a "Wall St Behavioral Finance Guru", is that double speak for an insurance executive? Thanks for verifying, we must continue to fight the good fight. We are on the right side of history.

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My wife and my mom was a nurse. Between them, they know nothing about health insurance or insurance in general. You are saying that if you worked in an auto shop for 40 years you are an expert on car financing.I am not involved with the insurance industry. Funny how two of you "insurance experts" have chimed in while not even thinking abour rebuttals to any of the facts I presented to you. This is the behavior of liberals. They know "their truth" and no matter how much nonsense it is, they stay. They are unable to see the damage of their own ideas.

Your are on the wrong side of history. Making people self-reliant and not dependent on government is the right side of history.

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What you don’t know about health insurance and public health programs is a lot. Pre existing conditions are covered under Obamacare and since 2014 health insurers are required to cover pre-existing conditions.

I included a source article for you in the comment. But what good is that, compared to a hysterical bunch of women screaming? That’s where the real info is, right?

You are all for letting illegal immigrants come in by the millions and plug up our emergency rooms. They know the tricks. Kid gets sick? Off to the ER.

This would be way easier if you could think of an imaginary person who can’t get health insurance and give me the scenario and I will show you it’s not true.

The ACA exchange has deeply discounted plans for low income applicants.

I know how sensitive this is, and I am sorry to burst your bubble, but 63% of people say it’s unaffordable. And that means they just don’t want to pay.

Here is how the liberal biased Google AI says it:

Cost: In 2023, 63.2% of uninsured adults said they were uninsured because coverage is not affordable. 

Eligibility: 27.0% of uninsured adults said they were not eligible for coverage. (this one is funny. Eligibility requirements are being a human.)

Difficulty signing up: 23.9% of uninsured adults said signing up was too difficult. (signing up is hard to doo-hoo!)

Not finding a plan: 18.5% of uninsured adults said they could not find a plan that meets their needs. 

Lost job: 4.5% of uninsured adults said they lost their job. 

(What is funny is that they add up to way over 100%. Like 37% over.)

Other factors that contribute to uninsurance include: 

Not knowing about or understanding available options

Having low health insurance literacy

Earning a lower income

Rising health care costs

An economic downturn

Public program cutbacks

These are just excuses. The reason we have this situation?

The real problem? Liberals have told these people that it’s not there fault they don’t have insurance, when it clearly is. Liberals love to create excuses for “marginalized people,” another leftist term that is meaningless. That has kept the Dems in power. For they know that if the peasants know they are full of crap, the party is over. In case you missed it, the free reign of Liberals is over. We will now run on reality.

It would be good if you could find a cause that you know something about.

I have been in the financial business for 40 years. I have done pro bono work over time and see first hand how couples won’t save. It simply is not as important as whatever else they are spending it on. And some of them were smoking during the meetings. (but that’s because “big tabacco” tricked them into smoking. right?) So… It’s not their fault!!”

You, and other liberals love to take agency and personal responsibily out of these decisions. You just think if someoe doesn’t have these things it must be up to the government to fix it. They have!

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