Good government requires active citizen participation to monitor what is going on and to advocate for changes we believe in. If we don’t get involved, bad things will happen, both to us and to society in general. Some people say that there is no reason to vote because it makes no difference. I think they are wrong.
In the past two years, due to Democratic party control of Michigan’s government, there have been many political changes to improve the lives of Michiganders. These changes would not have occurred if Republicans were still in charge:
Michigan Democrats have protected reproductive rights, repealing the 1931 trigger law and passing the Reproductive Health Act which repealed other laws restricting access to abortion. In Republican-controlled Indiana, State officials not only have banned abortion for almost any reason (exceptions don’t really exist) but have investigated and threatened physicians including Dr. Caitlin Bernard just for speaking out in favor of abortion rights. In Republican-controlled Ohio, governmental officials have not only restricted abortion rights but have been trying to take away voter rights regarding abortion, before and after the successful passage of a constitutional amendment guaranteeing abortion rights. The differences are clear - Democrats support reproductive rights while Republicans are repealing them.
Michigan Democrats have worked to limit the negative effects of climate change by establishing a 100% clean electricity standard in Michigan by 2040. In contrast, Republicans consider climate change a hoax and their State governments are punishing companies that are doing something about it.
Michigan Democrats have made our communities safer by passing red flag laws, safe storage requirements and universal background checks. In Republican states, the response to mass shootings is to offer “thoughts and prayers”. To Republican public officials, the right to have and use a gun, under almost any circumstances, is more important than your right to live.
Michigan Democrats have supported LGBTQ rights by expanding the Civil Rights Act to include sexual orientation, gender expression and gender identity. Republicans are largely hostile to LGBTQ rights and consider drag shows a major threat to society.
Michigan Democrats have given more money back to our residents by repealing the retirement tax and expanding the Earned Income Tax Credit. Republicans have worked against these measures. However, Republicans have supported tax breaks for the wealthy and sweetheart deals for their friends.
Michigan Democrats have improved our education system with more funding, eliminated the third grade reading law which had no support in the education system, ensured safe drinking water in schools and offered universal school meals. In contrast, Republican Governor Rick Snyder and the Republican legislature severely cut funding to cities, counties and school districts so they would be financially troubled and would require Emergency Managers. They overturned the citizen initiative striking down the Emergency Management law in Michigan and passed a similar law, causing the appointment of many Emergency Managers, whose actions caused widespread lead poisoning in Flint and damage to the Detroit Public Schools.
Michigan Democrats have helped restore Michigan’s economy. Although the labor market remains tight, Michigan now has more people working than in late 2019, months before the pandemic hit.
Michigan Democrats have passed a slew of election related bills, most of which codify elements of Proposal 2, a constitutional amendment approved by voters in 2022 to expand voting access. Democrats believe that every qualified Michigan citizen should vote. Republicans continually try to make it more difficult for people to vote if they seem unlikely to vote Republican.
Finally, Michigan Democrats have worked hard to expand childcare programs through the Caring for MI Future program, which to date has opened 1,089 childcare programs with nearly 37,000 new spots. This is simply not a priority for Republicans.
Voting and political involvement are important and do make a difference. There are many ways for you to get more involved, as indicated below:
Effective government requires our participation
What you can do to promote democracy
Tackling our difficult problems together
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