I support this petition by the American Jewish Committee urging the United Nations to continue demanding that Hamas release all the hostages.
This is important not just for Israel, but for those who want the Palestinians to have better lives in the Middle East and to have their own state.
For the Palestinians to have a state, they have to start to renounce terrorism by Hamas and other terrorist organizations embedded in Gaza and establish a government dedicated to improving the lives of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank. Few civilized countries will accept a terrorist organization as the head of a legitimate country, or a government that takes hostages of its enemies. Thus, the first step that needs to be taken is for Hamas to release the hostages. Ultimately, Hamas must be removed from power.
This will not be easy as terrorism is embedded in Gaza and the political world of Palestinians. Even in the US, Palestinian leaders find it difficult to condemn Hamas and many Palestinians are vocally supporting Hamas. Perhaps US Palestinians are afraid for their lives and their families in the Middle East, which is legitimate because Hamas is, after all, a terrorist organization that kills its opponents. But Palestinians have within themselves the courage to confront and defeat Hamas. It will not be easy but this confrontation needs to start - I suggest today.
Of course, once the hostages are released and the Hamas rocket attacks stop, there will most likely be a cease fire and life will improve for the people of Gaza, which should be the goal of those who support Palestinians. Is there any legitimate reason for Palestinians to NOT want Hamas to release the hostages and stop rocket attacks?
My related posts:
The Palestinians need new leadership, 22 December 2023
What Palestinians need to do to create a Palestinian state, 14 December 2023
Gaza without terrorism, 13 November 2023
Hamas is winning, 6 November 2023
Hamas puppets, 1 November 2023
How innocent are the people of Gaza? 23 October 2023
Hamas: release the hostages, end the siege, 13 October 2023
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