I have previously written about how Trump, Vance and the Republican Party are enemies of immigrants, how Dearborn, Michigan and other immigrant rich cities will become ghost towns if Trump is elected, and that Trump’s agenda item #1 is to target immigrants for violence and deportation. Last week, Trump said he would deport Haitians who were in the U.S. legally, so we should expect him to attempt to deport Arab Americans, Latino Americans and the many other immigrant groups he dislikes.
For these reasons, I strongly believe that immigrants and their friends should vote for Kamala and other Democrats.
It’s not just me - here are excepts from others who agree that we should vote for Kamala:
Opinion: I'm an Arab American activist. We have no choice but to vote for Kamala Harris, by Ismael Ahmed.
It is not hyperbole to say that this election will be one of the most consequential in U.S. history, with two starkly different philosophies of what our nation can be. On one hand, there is a view that there is a place for all of us in America. On the other, a leader who seeks to divide us by race, gender, and national origin.
But let me say it plainly: We have no choice but to vote for Kamala Harris.
. . .
On every issue, Harris is the better candidate
This vote will be the most important in our lives. I know you’ve heard that before, but this time it’s true. Donald Trump has said that he will reinstate the "Muslim ban" and has indicated he will continue to separate families. He has promised to use the National Guard to round up and deport 11 million immigrants, many of whom are working to achieve legal status and contributing to our economy. He promises to return us to the days of U.S. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement raids in our communities. He refuses to acknowledge the occupation of Palestinian lands, opposes an independent Palestinian state and steadfastly supports Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and has not decried his bloody approach to Gaza.
On the other hand, Kamala Harris is calling for a cease fire and a two-state solution with equal rights for both peoples.
There is so much on the table. Climate change, an existential issue that will affect not only our lives but our children and grandchildren, a woman’s right to decide what to do with her body, and much, much more.
One candidate tells us we all have a place in America. The other tells us it is the other who is to blame for all our ills — and we Arab Americans are part of the “other.”
I have made my choice. I will vote Democratic, not for the perfect good, but for a better way of life, and a chance to fight for peace.
Opinion: Trump is no conservative. We’re Republican men and we’re voting for Kamala Harris, by Jimmy Greene and Bill Nowling.
As Republicans, we believe character and integrity matter. That’s why we proudly supported Ambassador Nikki Haley for president and were part of her Michigan Leadership Team. We believed in her positive vision for the future of the Republican Party, Michigan and our nation.
Now, we will vote for Vice President Kamala Harris and we are encouraging other sensible Republicans to join us.
There is too much at stake here in America and around the world to suffer through the distraction and division we all know will come with another Donald Trump presidency.
Let us be clear. We disagree, sometimes strongly, with Vice President Harris on some of the ways we increase opportunity for everyone, but we believe she is a person of integrity. And right here, right now in this important election, character and integrity matter most of all.
We can’t say the same thing about former President Trump. Trump builds up himself by tearing down America and Americans. Just last week, during a speech that was supposed to be about battling antisemitism, the former president said the Jewish people would have “a lot to do with” the reason he might not win in November. During his televised debate with the vice president, Trump said Haitian immigrants living in Ohio were, “eating the dogs. They’re eating cats. They’re eating the pets of the people that live there.” America deserves better.
George H. Takei, Mr. Sulu on Star Trek, noted:
Bill Clinton broke my heart when he signed DOMA into law. It was a slap in the face to the LGBTQ community. And I knew that we still had much work to do. But I voted for him again in 1996 despite my misgivings, because the alternative was far worse. And my obligation as a citizen was to help choose the best leader for it, not to check out by not voting out of anger or protest.
There is no leader who will make the decision you want her or him to make 100 percent of the time. Your vote is a tool of hope for a better world. Use it wisely, for it is precious. Use it for others, for they are in need of your support, too.
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