These totals are as of 12Sep23. Click on the links to view these posts. An index to all substantive essays (other than quotes or links) is here. To subscribe to this blog (there is no charge), click on the button:
My mammogram, 8Sep23, 391 views
Human papillomavirus (HPV) related cancers, 17May23, 378 views
Are you happy and confident with your life?, 28Jun23, 327 views
Hodgkin lymphoma, an overview, 2Jun23, 312 views
Skin cancer, a case history, 5Feb23, 306 views
Medical terminology named after Nazi supporters, 7July23, 301 views
Have you decided to Ditch the Lawn? 5May23, 286 views
Oral cavity cancer - Verrucous carcinoma, 8May23, 266 views
How metastases arise, part 1, 12May23, 264 views
Reducing our burden on friends and family as we age, 23Jun23, 253 views
Index to Nat’s Substack articles\
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