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I concur with the article.

I have studied, informally for years, Narcissistic Personality Disorder which is recognized by the psychiatric authorities as an illness.

In 2017, "The Dangerous Case of Donald Trump" was published. The book is a compilation of 28 psychiatrists and mental health experts' opinions that define Trump's behavior as a Malignant Narcissistic Personality Disorder. In 2024, this book was updated to 40 references. The mental health experts warned us!

Narcissists do not feel good about themselves and pursue a lifelong quest to prove that they are ok. The reptile brain dominates - fight or flight; Trump is in a constant state of fight. The goal of "being ok" never occurs in almost all cases. Emotional maturity stops at about eight years of life.

Good reference:

Bernstein, Albert. "Emotional Vampires" second edition, McGraw Hill, 2012.

In this self help book, Bernstein explains, in plain language, personality disorders and how to equip oneself to deal with the illness. There is much detail regarding narcissism. P. 145 lists 20 characteristics. Summarily, a plain language approach to include humour with suggestions to how to "Deal with People Who Drain You Dry." Trump, as an emotional vampire, has hypnotized a vast portion of the U.S. populace to include the governing class!

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I agree with you, Narcissistic Personality Disorder and Trump makes sense. He always seems like a transparent con man to me, it is a mystery how he can be taken at his word. He seems almost to be talking to himself. The governing class I believe were looking for a would-be dictator, and have helped Trump to take over the GOP. The level of private+corporate+public+financial US debt as % GDP and inequality as % GDP, are at similar levels to 1930. The idea is that democracy cannot sustain this level of debt and this level of inequality, without major reforms. In the 1930s FDR saved US democracy by reform, the attempt to install General Smedley Butler as dictator to stop FDR failed. This time there is no FDR and they have their Smedley as the elected President.

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