I enthusiastically started to sign up for your substack subscription, the app requested access to my contacts, i deleted the app, i have no interest in ANY social media, I expect more from,people wanting to find another way
I enthusiastically started to sign up for your substack subscription, the app requested access to my contacts, i deleted the app, i have no interest in ANY social media, I expect more from,people wanting to find another way
To complete the Substack enrollment process, I had to either accept or reject Substack's request to authorize access my contacts,and here is the kicker:
the accept option was activated and would allow me to go forward but the reject was not activated as it was "greyed out."
I repeatedly tried to decline without success.
Only after far too many attempts was I able to decline.
What was Substack going to do with my contacts for god's sakes.
Who is behind Substack and what is it anyway?
I paid $70 for what I thought would be a subscription to "The Contrarian" and I get short videoes, each from a different entity, each hawking a paid subscription.
I had to pay $70 for to be solicited by every Andrew, Bob and Harry?
I enthusiastically started to sign up for your substack subscription, the app requested access to my contacts, i deleted the app, i have no interest in ANY social media, I expect more from,people wanting to find another way
Hmm - to the best of my knowledge, my substack doesn't require any of that. Not sure what happened.
I had the same issue.
To complete the Substack enrollment process, I had to either accept or reject Substack's request to authorize access my contacts,and here is the kicker:
the accept option was activated and would allow me to go forward but the reject was not activated as it was "greyed out."
I repeatedly tried to decline without success.
Only after far too many attempts was I able to decline.
What was Substack going to do with my contacts for god's sakes.
Who is behind Substack and what is it anyway?
I paid $70 for what I thought would be a subscription to "The Contrarian" and I get short videoes, each from a different entity, each hawking a paid subscription.
I had to pay $70 for to be solicited by every Andrew, Bob and Harry?
I feel played.
The Contrarian is at https://contrarian.substack.com/
My substack just recommended them. There is no charge for natpernick.substack.com.
Sorry for the confusion!