I'm 80 and utterly inept when it comes to the internet. I saw Jennifer Rubin on msnbc and want to say thank you even if I am unable to participate. I'm also asking for any advice on small-town traditional press. I know for a fact that there are many, many people who will never look at substack or even television news. We have a local newspaper that refuses to even acknowledge politics beyond providing sample ballots and printing election results. The Kansas City Star, pre-trump regime, refused to address any trump issues on the front page, let alone above the fold. We get Missouri Independent on our Google feed but have been unable to communicate with them. I don't believe they have a print version (that I would ask our public library to display), but they do say that anyone has permission to reprint. The local newspaper will not do this. I have no clue how to go about establishing even a rudimentary paper, especially with no money, but if I had some sort of plan we might be able to fund something. Dems are overwhelmingly outnumbered here, but we are finding one another now that the situation is so dire. I realize that the party needs to optimize any and all technology, but I don't think those of you who are well versed in all that understand the enormous numbers of people who will never see your work unless it is displayed on newsstands, billboards, and library shelves. If no one has ideas for me, please consider the problem of millions of people who may not even notice who IS president or what congress is doing.

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Well, I think we should do what we can, even if it is small. Pick an issue that you think people will be concerned about it and talk about it or distribute information about it - whatever you think may work. Politicians love to talk to groups - find one that you agree with and ask them to speak to a local group that has speakers. Good luck and keep at it.

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We do those things, but speakers are preaching to the choir. My question is how do you distribute information when newspapers and television don't want to rock the boat? How do you get the attention of people whose only interest is in getting to the next ballgame or bar?

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We do what we can - try things and see if they work. There are no easy answers!

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Alas, the days of getting news from an actual paper are gone, and older folks will have to adapt. Legacy media is in hospice right now, on a slow morphine drip.

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If you haven't already, check out the PBS News Hour presentation by Michael Gerson, President George W Bush's speechwriter. It is an awesome message for people who are excusing President Trump's racism. I know that Trump is a psychopathic narcissist, and a racist to say the least, but we have to react with reason and use legal means to resist. He deliberately wants to cause chaos and disorder so we can't play into that hand. Those who are recommending working at your local levels are on target, I think. I'm going to see what I can do.

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At Great Falls, MT this evening we had a prayer vigil in front of Federal Courthouse and then everyone lined up on the bridge across the Missouri River for lighted vigil with signs and Ukrainian flags and sunflowers. Lots of passerby honks and waves of support.

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To donate to Ukraine (I did), visit https://u24.gov.ua/

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Thanks - I think we also have to target the causes - right wing media (Fox and others) that lies consistently and marked wealth inequality. We should boycott this media, even if it has programming we like. We should change our buying habits to avoid big businesses (Amazon, big banks, anything associated with Trump and Musk) unless we know they support the middle class and are treating their employees well. We should also get more politically active so we know what's going on.

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I am so excited about The Contrarian concept. I am 81, have been a Democrat all my life, am disabled and retired living only on my social security. Please let me know the cost for subscription and duration since my funds are minimal. Thank you and wishes for success.

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They have a free option, see https://contrarian.substack.com/ for the possibilities.

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My substack is 100% free. NatPernick@substack.com

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I saw you on the tube a while back about Ukraine. You were in the background and repeated two or three times: "Russia is getting their ass kicked".

Not so Jennie Poo and just dead wrong. It's writers like you why we've abandoned MSM: You have no idea what you're talking about.

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If you want to contact Jennifer Rubin, her blog is https://contrarian.substack.com/

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I am from Germany and I live in Munich.

I am following what is currently happening in the USA with great concern. This also concerns us in Europe. Even though we are also experiencing a rise in right-wing groups here, the majority of people here support democracy and freedom. We also feel for the people in the USA, their powerlessness in the face of the rapid destruction of the rule of law and democracy by the current government. We hope that the people in the USA can organize themselves and offer effective resistance. We in Europe must do the same in view of the dangers we face and hope to be on good and reliable terms with one another again in the near future. To do this, we must network, exchange information and develop strategies. Information is an important pillar of this. That is why I am very happy to have found this stack. I will share it and recommend it to others and read it with great interest. Thank you for your efforts. I wish you strength, perseverance and, in everything, lots of joy. Your work is so important.

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I enthusiastically started to sign up for your substack subscription, the app requested access to my contacts, i deleted the app, i have no interest in ANY social media, I expect more from,people wanting to find another way


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Hmm - to the best of my knowledge, my substack doesn't require any of that. Not sure what happened.

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I had the same issue.

To complete the Substack enrollment process, I had to either accept or reject Substack's request to authorize access my contacts,and here is the kicker:

the accept option was activated and would allow me to go forward but the reject was not activated as it was "greyed out."

I repeatedly tried to decline without success.

Only after far too many attempts was I able to decline.

What was Substack going to do with my contacts for god's sakes.

Who is behind Substack and what is it anyway?

I paid $70 for what I thought would be a subscription to "The Contrarian" and I get short videoes, each from a different entity, each hawking a paid subscription.


I had to pay $70 for to be solicited by every Andrew, Bob and Harry?

I feel played.

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The Contrarian is at https://contrarian.substack.com/

My substack just recommended them. There is no charge for natpernick.substack.com.

Sorry for the confusion!

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Feb 15
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Feb 15
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The Contrarian is at https://contrarian.substack.com/ .

I just recommended them. My substack is free.

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