Sitemap - 2019 - Nat's essays on politics, abortion, cancer and medicine

30 December 2019: The Lincoln Project

23 December 2019: Don't dance with the devil

22 December 2019: Where are today's leaders?

25 November 2019: Urge stores to carry products NOT made in China

12 November 2019: Letter to President Trump - Resign now

28 October 2019: Alicia Chandler gives a sermon on responding to the Tree of Life Synagogue massacre

13 October 2019: Donald Trump Should Resign

11 October 2019: Participate in political life

15 September 2019: Working Hard

9 September 2019: News about vaccines

7 September 2019: The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact

3 September 2019: Be Optimistic to Live Longer (or does it only seem longer?)

29 August 2019: Close Palestinian Refugee Camps

25 August 2019: Letter to my Michigan legistators about the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact

16 August 2019: Love your Grandparents

11 August 2019: What values are important in a democratic society?

30 July 2019: Tax return disclosures for Presidential Primaries

30 July 2019: "Round Robin" letter to condemn President Trump's racist tweets

26 July 2019: How Cancer Arises based on Complexity Theory, 2019 update

29 June 2019: Putting our values into action

28 June 2019: A New Prayer for Peace

14 June 2019: The War of Art

31 May 2019: Raise State taxes please!

3 May 2019: Vaccines

21 April 2019: Is wealth inequality a problem, and what are you doing about it?

4 April 2019: What to do about Rupert Murdock?

31 March 2019: Promoting peace in the Middle East

26 February 2019: Suicide prevention

17 February 2019: Living without a car in Detroit's suburbs - an update

3 February 2019: Letter to Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib

1 February 2019: How to Achieve Peace in the Middle East

12 January 2019: The decline of mental inhibition

7 January 2019: DT Syndrome

5 January 2019: Replace Trump